Rotary Club of Cataraqui-Kingston
You are invited to attend A FIRESIDE CHAT on Saturday, February 17, 2024 when we will have An Open Conversation about Your Relationship with Rotary!
This event will take place at the home of Bill and Joan Egnatoff at 82 Braemar Road in Kingston.
We will have a round table discussion from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. A light lunch, and coffee, tea, and water will be available.
We will get started at 11:00, so please arrive by 10:45 a.m.
This event is especially important for all our new and not-so-new members of our CKRotary Club, as well as beneficial and relevant for our seasoned Rotarians!
Come and share your experiences!
This is an opportunity for your CKRotary Leadership Team to hear your thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns which will help to guide their various decisions in planning for the future of our Club.
This is the plan:
Everyone is asked to prepare 2 questions that are meant to stimulate discussion on a piece of paper. The questions, written anonymously, will be placed in a jar and and then drawn for discussion.
Some sample questions might be:
- What do you like most/least about Rotary?
- Do you feel our Club is a good fit for you?
- What would you like to change in how the Club operates?
- Are you satisfied with your Rotary experience?
- Why is Rotary important to you?
- What question would you like to ask of our Rotary Club’s leadership team?
We sincerely hope to see many of you at this event!
Please RSVP your attendance to asutherland@xplornet.ca by NOON, FEBRUARY 9th.
Ana Sutherland on behalf of the Membership Committee.
Membership Committee, Mentors and Mentees, and extended to all members of Cataraqui Kingston Rotary Club