Greg Mumford introduced our speaker Ashleigh Cunningham whom we sponsored to the Adventure in High Tech event put on by the Nepean-Kanata Rotary Club.  Ashleigh is a grade 10 student at Bayridge Secondary School, and attended this two-and-a-half day program with about 30 other students in October 2021.
Ashleigh has been interested in Biomedical Engineering and attending this event allowed her to widen her knowledge of various technologies that may be pursued.  There was a speaker from Carleton University, and Ashleigh thought that a future speaker could be about various paths that can be taken at university in general.
Amanda Kalhous made a presentation about her own path from attending RMC in its structured environment to accepting a role in a very unstructured milieu.  She is now a successful inventor with 28 patents.  Although she was unsure about accepting this change, and was anxious about it, she believes that if you are able to roll with change it can lead to amazing things.
Ashleigh found the programme very useful in helping her to focus on her future.  She did not know about Rotary beforehand but now is very enthusiastic about what Rotary does in the world. 
Bill Egnatoff thanked Ashleigh for her enthusiastic presentation.