Michelle introduced our speaker from Serenah Faux, who has been selected to dance with Team Canada.
Serenah is a full-time student at Regi/Notre Dame. She is a well rounded young woman participating in athletics and several community projects, but this presentation was about her dancing for Canada in Croatia in November. Serenah has won many special awards in different styles of dance but specializes in tap.
Serenah and the team are competing with 90 nations. She noted there are no government grants in her field, unlike Britain, so she is trying to raise $4900 for her trip.
Serenah was pleased to answer several questions from the members.
Michelle suggested that our members donate individually to help Serenah. Details on doing that will be provided to our members.
Leslie Frise thanked our speaker.
To see Serenah's full presentation, click on the link below;