Although we could not meet in person, our annual year-end meeting was a great success. The evening started off with Bill and Joan Egnatoff, aka Classic Delights Duo, performing some summer themed music for our listening pleasure. The sound was great (on my speakers anyway).
Then Ana called the meeting to order. There was much to cover. Ana talked about the achievements of the Club in a year that saw significant challenges since mid-March. After a short break our meetings resumed using Zoom, thanks to Ana pushing us to keep meeting, and to Ed's technical help. Funds from the Club, community donors, Rotary District 7040, and several NGO's like the United Way were pooled to support a food delivery project that helped the most vulnerable in Kingston - kids who depended on The Food Sharing Project for healthy food, and their families. The program will continue through the summer. It is a great example of Rotary coming together in tough times. International Projects continued, especially the Breat Cancer Detection Project with our sister club in India. And the Pathways Project (officially FAR) came to fruition. There is much to look forward to in John Gale's Year as President.
Ana also had the pleasure of inducting for new members and welcoming two new friends of Rotary. Geln Roberts and Jim Rymerson have both transitioned from Friends of Rotary to full time members, and Sean Goodall and Doug Hicks were inducted as new members. We'll hear more about Doug and Sean soon, and Glen and Jim too. Amanda Stolk and her partner Mike Amess were also welcomed as friends of Rotary. It's been a long time since 6 inductions occurred at one year end meeting - it bodes well for our club's future.
There were 5 Paul Harris Awards given out at the year-end meeting as well. Ana awarded Rick Fiedorec with a Paul Harris for all he has done for the club since handing over the reins to Ana as President (more about Rick later).
The Foundation Committee awarded four members, but first, never missing an opportunity to talk about our Club and member support, John and Bernie highlighted some of the achievements of the year - our Club is first in per-capita Annual Fund donations, and also first in total Polio Plus donations. Bernie also highlighted some notable milestones for Polio - a new vaccine has been developed that is safer, thank to The Gates Foundation. Nigeria will likely be declared Polio-free in August, and next year India will celebrate 10 years being Polio free.
John first awarded Murray Cotton, noting that Murray is an extraordinary fundraisers in all the club's activities, has pushed us to make "sweat equity" projects part of our club experience, and always questions how we do things and thinks of how we can be a better club.
John also awarded Robert Reid. Robert has steered the National Committee for several years, making it an integral part of our donations, improving the lives of Aboriginal communities and furthering the cause of understanding in area schools.
Bernie awarded Paul Harris recognition to both Ana Sutherland and Ed Thomson, one of our "dynamic duos" of C-K Rotary. Ana has led the club with skill and grace, pushing us to keep meeting via Zoom, and making sure that our physical meetings ran smoothly in our new location, often being the first to arrive and the last to leave. Ana also took on the role of Area Governor even before her term was up - a big sacrifice at any time, bigger when you are still President.
Ed Thomson was also recognized as being a driver of our weekly meetings, helping with set-up and takedown most weeks, and also helping with the technology end of things for the speaker when needed. Ed also helped us get our Zoom meetings up and running, as well as participating in the auction committee as an aid to John Farrow (with Doug Townsend) in the task of gift entry. Ed also performs a valuable behind the scenes role as keeper of our auction database (information is power!).
Thanks to all five recipients for all you do for the Club and for Rotary. There is much more that could be said about the work these folks do, this is just a sample of how valuable they are to us.
Ana also had the pleasure of rewarding the Rotarian of the Year Award to Rick Fiedorec. Rick transitioned from two terms as President and did not miss a beat this year. He assumed the role of Treasurer and tackled the task of getting the books in order from the last few years. Working with our new bookkeeper, he achieved that task about mid-year. His work as Treasurer has helped guide the Directors and we have been kept well informed of our financial position. Rick has also acted as a mentor to Ana through her year as President.